Wellbeing Champions Training

Our wellbeing experts are here to help deliver an exceptional wellbeing programme for your team. But we simply can’t be on-site each and every day. By training, inspiring and motivating a team of in-house wellbeing advocates, you can make sure your company culture stays strong.

Download our Wellbeing Champions Package for all you need to know.

Wellbeing Champions Meeting

What are Wellbeing Champions?

Wellbeing Champions are an extension of the We Are Wellbeing team. Ideally each department within your business will have a dedicated Wellbeing Champion. It’s their job to come up with new, fresh ideas to promote wellbeing within your business and encourage members of the organisation to take part.

Why do we need Wellbeing Champions?

If you’re working with us, chances are you want to make a positive difference to your company culture. We Are Wellbeing strategically develop programmes that are tailored to each business’s specific requirements. Though we’re very much a hands-on wellbeing provider, we can’t be on-site working with your people each and every day.

Well-being champions supporting colleagues

That’s why we train up and inspire a team of Wellbeing Champions to act as health and wellbeing advocates within your business. They’ll make sure your employees understand the importance of wellbeing. That means your employees are more likely to engage in other wellbeing activity within the business, thus amplifying the reach and impact of our wellbeing programme.

Our Founder, Andy Romero-Birkbeck explains Wellbeing Champions Training by We Are Wellbeing​

Learn more about We Are Welllbeing’s services by contacting Andy. Andy leads on the creation and implementation of all of our services.

The benefits of having Wellbeing Champions
within your workplace

Regular visits from the We Are Wellbeing team are a great way to boost awareness of health and wellbeing and inspire change within your organisation. But Wellbeing Champions help to promote our services and encourage people to take part, thus making the most of our time and maximising the benefit of our services.


Having wellbeing advocates within the business is invaluable. They inspire change, empower their team and help promote a positive workplace culture. They could be the first port of call if someone within your business if an employee needed a listening ear or a friendly face. We also encourage Wellbeing Champions to run induction sessions with all new starters to give them a clear overview of the services on offer.

Who Can Be A Wellbeing Champion?

Anyone within your business who is passionate about becoming an advocate for health, fitness and wellbeing should have access to Wellbeing Champion training. The role is voluntary but invaluable – creating a network of positivity that runs throughout your business’s departments.

You should find the right balance. Too many Wellbeing Champions, and you’ll be inundated with ideas and opinion and no real way to streamline this enthusiasm effectively. Too few champs, and your existing volunteers will be spread thinly, and this will impact your workplace culture. Try to aim for one Wellbeing Champion per department, or per 10-20 members of staff. This will ensure there are enough volunteers to spread the word, encourage members of staff, network effectively and make a real positive difference to your workplace culture.

How to set up a team of Champions

Being a Wellbeing Champion isn’t as simple as being invited to regular meetings and receiving a lanyard (don’t worry, your champs will get a lanyard). We Are Wellbeing’s Wellbeing Champion training sessions ensure our champs are confident and educated about their role.

The training ensures our wellness advocates have basic knowledge of wellbeing concepts, including financial, social, physical and mental wellbeing pillars. It gives them the tools and skills they need to support others in managing their wellbeing and making changes that have a long-lasting positive impact.


We’ll define tasks and responsibilities that suit business needs, whether that be organising on-site wellbeing boards, regular newsletters or monthly staff activities. Understanding why the role is important and how it positively impacts staff wellbeing and workplace culture is key, and our training sessions aim to achieve this.

Wellbeing Champions Development Workshops

On completion of a the initial Wellbeing Champions training it’s important to support the network and keep them engaged and current.  We have created a series of Wellbeing Champion Development Workshop designed to up-skill and support your network.  Each session has been created and is delivered by one of our subject specialist Wellbeing Trainers. 

Case study

The background

We Are Wellbeing had been delivering seminars, coaching sessions and manager training for over a year. Employees were benefitting from our service, but the impact of our wellbeing programme petered out when the wellbeing team weren’t on-site. Our client needed a way to ensure our wellbeing programme kept up momentum. The best way to do this was to motivate and empower an in-house team of wellbeing advocates to amplify our key messages all year round!

Training the Champs

We Are Wellbeing trained a team of Champions, volunteers across each department, to provide a greater understanding of wellbeing and its impact. Together, we developed an annual plan to help ensure wellbeing was at the top of the company’s agenda. From monthly newsletters through to charity campaigns and wellbeing drives, the Champions were given all the tools they needed to go ahead and make wellbeing their own. They arrange walking competitions, regular wellbeing inductions and much more to make sure wellbeing is embedded in the company culture. That means, when We Are Wellbeing are on-site, more employees are engaged and present at our sessions as they understand the real importance of the work we do.


Our client’s employees reported a 6% increase in overall happiness, a 10% increase in physical activity and 9% increase in participation in our wellbeing initiatives. As the Wellbeing Champions continue their great work, we expect these results to skyrocket!

Read an interview with one of our Wellbeing Champions, to find out what it’s really like to be a Champion.

Ready to get started? 

Wellbeing Champion Training

Fill in the form below and we will be in touch to discuss becoming a Wellbeing Champion

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